Andrea Duer

Andrea Duer


Pretty ok at fitness for time.


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

CrossFit Level 2 Certification

USAW Sports Performance Certification

CrossFit Kettlebell Certification

CrossFit Mobility Certification

CrossFit Gymnastics Certification

Aerobic Capacity Certification

About Coach

I grew up as a very active kid. I dabbled in all kinds of sports. I took tap, and gymnastics did swim team, rode horses, and played volleyball and softball. Softball became my life and I played year-round through high school. After high school, I decided I didn't want to play in college so that I could have a "normal" college experience. I stayed active with intermural softball, kickball, etc, but I partied hard, ate terribly, and got really out of shape without the structure of a program like a softball, or CrossFit.

Turning Point

In 2008, my boyfriend at the time had an accident and broke his neck at C6/C7. He spent months at Shepherd Center in Atlanta GA relearning the most basic tasks... how to get dressed, how to feed himself, how to get in and out of a car... all the things we take for granted every day. During rehab, I gained a whole new perspective on life, and in that, I realized that I had been taking my body for granted. I was out of shape. I didn't eat well. I partied too hard. I let life get in the way of me making me a priority. With this new perspective, I slowly began the process of getting into shape. I did couch to 5k and couldn't run for more than 30 seconds at a clip. From there I went on to run a 5k, then a 10k, then a half and full marathon. Then I got into triathlons, and did every distance from a sprint to a half Ironman. Then, I found CrossFit, and that helped solidify all the changes I had made up until that point. I was hooked, I was officially someone that truly wanted to be healthy.

Motivation & Passion

I know what it feels like to be unhealthy and out of shape. I know how scary it can be to start. My goal is to be the coach that believes in you, even when you may not believe in yourself just yet. I like to work with every individual from exactly where they are, whether they are a competitive athlete or someone who just walked in the door.

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