Congrats to Jennifer Underwood for being our February Athlete of the month!!! She is the epitome of hard work and a pillar of our 6am class! Very well deserving and the parking spot is all yours!!!Learn more about her below:
What makes you, you?
I am a Christ follower, wife, mom, sister (Jamie made me say that), runner, and engineer.
Describe your experience at CFNC?
Well my sister made me come with her, and then she left me. But before she did, I made friendships with the 6AM crowd, and I can't imagine doing CrossFit anywhere else. (I even tried a gym on a work trip and it was not the same).
What are your major life goals?
Besides getting all my children to be successful adult humans, I want to run a 1/2 marathon or longer in all 50 states.
What are your 3 main CrossFit goals?
To be a better runner
To do any CrossFit movement without Jason telling me i'm doing it wrong.
and maybe one day do a pull up
What has been your favorite CrossFit moment so far?
Watching my son getting stronger. It is really fulfilling as a mother to watch your child succeed at something they work hard at.
What has been your favorite CrossFit WOD and by?
Any WOD that has running in it, because running is my favorite.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Two of my kids will be in college, and I will be back to doing partner WODs with Meagan. Hopefully, I will have completed more races in different states (COVID willing). Just getting stronger and running more races.
Share a recipe for a favorite clean meal.
Jamie made this for Thanksgiving and it is really yummy!
Jamie������s Fall Salad
Cranberry and Orange Salad Dressing
������1 cup whole cranberries
������Zest of one orange
������Juice of one orange
������1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
������1 shallot
������1 tsp dried thyme (double if using fresh)
������1/2 lemon juiced
������1 Tbs honey
������Salt to taste
1.Chop up cranberries.
2.Zest orange and set aside.
3.Juice orange.
4.Add cranberries and orange juice to sauce pan and bring to a boil. Set aside and let come to room temperature.
5.Grate shallot.
6.Strain cranberries and orange juice through a mesh strainer.
7.Add olive oil, shallot, orange zest, thyme, lemon juice, honey, and salt to cranberry and orange juice. Stir and serve.
Butternut Squash and Farro Salad
������4oz baby kale
������2 cups butternut squash (1/2������-3/4������ dice)
������Olive oil
������Chicken broth (or veggie if you want to keep it vegetarian)
������1/2 cup farro
������Chopped walnuts
������Dried cranberries
������4oz goat cheese (I am using the Italian herb goat cheese)
������Salt and pepper to taste
1.Preheat oven to 400.
2.Toss butternut squash in olive oil and salt and pepper (I also added some garlic powder and cayenne pepper)
3.Line baking sheet with parchment and roast the butternut squash for 25-30 mins. until tender. Toss halfway through the cooking.
4.Bring broth to a boil and add farro. Cook until al dente.
5.Toast walnuts in a dry pan on stove.
6.Combine all ingredients and toss with cranberry and orange dressing and serve.
*Could be served with grilled chicken or salmon and it would still be delicious!
What's your favorite cheat meal?
What is the most challenging aspect of CrossFit?
The mental game is the most challenging part of CrossFit (and running). Just realizing that sometimes I can do more than I think I can. It is definitely rewarding to do something I didn't think I could do.
What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit?
Set goals and work toward them. Then when you get there set new ones. This is true for me in both running and CrossFit.
What is your personal "walkout song" or anthem?
Probably Roar by Katy Perry, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, Tiger Rag by Tiger Band.... really anything on my Clemson play list.