What makes you, you?
My life revolves around my Fianc����, my 3 dogs, my business, and friends. Also offshore fishing.
Describe your experience at CFNC.
I started working out at CFNC after getting bored and complacent working out on my own for years. Since being at CFNC I������ve really enjoyed the environment and I look forward everyday for my 12:00 class.
What are your major life goals?
Just to try and be the best I can at whatever I do.
What are your 3 major CrossFit goals?
Getting double unders, lifting more weight, and muscle ups.
What has been your favorite CrossFit moment so far?
Learning to do kipping pull ups so I could stop killing myself doing strict pull ups.
What has been your favorite CrossFit WOD and why?
I enjoy the long workouts. I like when I������m working out and my mind kind of shuts out everything and its just a matter of continuing to work.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Ill probably have a family and a couple more locations for my company, so I see myself going a little insane.
Share a recipe for a favorite clean meal.
I was going to google a clean recipe for this but honestly I don������t have one. Maybe hibachi and light beer.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Wings and beer
What is the most challenging aspect of CrossFit?
The mental aspect. Learning to not listen to yourself when you think it������s too hard.
What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit?
Buy some good shoes.