Congrats to Linden who is our May athlete of the month! Linden is the epitome of hard work and comes in puts her head down and gets WORK done!
Awesome job and learn a bit more about her below!
What makes you, you?
I have a very relaxed and chill personality, but I'm also determined to learn and get better every day.
Describe your experience at CFNC.
My time at CFNC has been great! Everyone is super welcoming and wants to see you succeed. I look forward to coming to the gym each day, as it's a stress reliever for me, and everyone brings such a positive energy which makes the experience that much better!
What are your major life goals?
Being content and finding what I have a passion for, maintaining an active lifestyle, and eventually having a family.
What are your 3 major CrossFit goals?
1) Be able to do a pull-up
2) Get stronger with my Overhead Squats
3) Start working on T2B
What has been your favorite CrossFit moment so far?
This year was my first time doing the Open. The atmosphere in the gym was awesome and it was so fun to push myself in those workouts.
What has been your favorite CrossFit WOD and why?
Anything that involves cleans or squats, those are my favorite movements.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I'm planning to go back to school for engineering and get my Masters at some point! Also, I'm hoping to get out and travel more, I am definitely looking to travel abroad soon!
Share a recipe for a favorite clean meal.
Salmon with roasted brussel sprouts and/or sweet potatoes
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Definitely BBQ, I've been trying a few of the different places here in Charleston! I'm from the Midwest so I still love my Kansas City style BBQ :)
What is the most challenging aspect of CrossFit?
Not overthinking the WOD. Sometimes I've psyched myself out before a workout even starts because it looks hard on the board, but once the clock starts you just have to go and push till the end.
What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit?
Don't be intimidated! There are people who have been doing CrossFit for years and some who have just recently started and everyone is at a different point in their fitness journey. Also, show up for the workouts especially when there are movements you dislike and/or are difficult because that's the only way you will get better at them.
What is your personal 'walkout song' or anthem
Any hype Beyonce song, I love her!